🚀 Blake Static



Easiest way to install Blake is using pub. Following command installs Blake into your command. However, this requires Dart SDk installed.

pub global activate blake

Pre-compiled binary

Compiled binary provides the best possible performance and removes dependency on Dart SDK. You can therefore download and run this binary on devices without Dart installed.

You can download binaries from our release page. Builds are currently done manually and we cannot guarantee them for every build. If you don't find a binary for your platform you will need to compile it yourself.

Build from source

To build Blake from source clone the repository. Compile script uses grinder package that you need to install into your path by following command.

pub global activate grinder

Now go into Blake directory and run following command. This command runs tests and if they succeed it starts compilation. The result is two files: a native binary (named blake or blake.exe depending on your platform) and blake-<platform>.zip archive.

grind compile

On macOS, the result would be following.

├── blake
└── blake-mac.zip

The archive contains only the blake binary file and is created out of convenience. You don't have to use it.