🚀 Blake Static

Quick start guide

Install Blake using pub.

pub global activate blake

Initialize new project. This generates config.yaml file and used directories for content and templates.

# Create new project in current directory
blake init

# Create new project in `website` directory
blake init website

Start local development server with auto-reload.

blake serve

You should see a URL address in your terminal if the server started successfully. Open it in your browser. By default, this address is

Because the initialized project does not have content or templates, you must create them first.

Inside templates directory create page.html template. Use templates docs as a reference.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    {{ content }}

Now inside content create _index.md page.

title: Homepage
template: page.html

Hello world.

The YAML config inside --- is called the frontmatter. You can access these values inside your templates by its keys. The Markdown body (Hello world.) can be accessed using content key in the templates.

Now you need to reload your browser tab to properly initialize live-reload script. This script is only injected into generated HTML pages and because we have only created the first page now, live-reload will not work without manual reload. Subsequent edits will trigger reloads correctly in your browser.