🚀 Blake Static


Shortcodes can be used inside your Markdown files. They are replaced template values before parsing Markdown.


Put shortcodes inside templates/shortcodes directory. The name of the shortcode should contain only lowercase letters, dash, or underscore. The expected file extension for shortcodes is .html.

Example shortcode names: code.html, youtube.html or my-shortcode.html.

Shortcodes folder does not allows subfolders. Only files inside the template/shortcodes are used and any subdirectories are omitted.

See an example of a shortcode called block.html:

<div class="block">
  <div class="block-title">
    {{ name }}
    {{ surname }}

  {{ body }}

See article about templates for more info.

You could use this shortcode in your Markdown file with the following syntax:

**Hello world**
This is some text.

{{< block name="John" surname="Doe" />}}

You can also have body-styled shortcodes. They must use {{< shortcode >}} syntax and have a {{< /shortcode >}} end tag.

The body template variable is by default set to the body of the shortcode. If you also use a custom argument called body, your argument will have a precedence.

**Hello world**
This is some text.

{{< block name="John" surname="Doe" >}}
This is a body of the shortcode.
{{< /block >}}